Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Experiencing God: Unit 3 Week 3

Hello eLearners and Virtual Disciples,

It's Wednesday! And today we start Week 3 with hopes that you are still on board with the Experiencing God Study. Again, we welcome you to our Power Chat offered each Wednesday at Noon EST and for those of you who missed it today here is the link of the recording: Week 3 Power Chat. On last week our Unit Title was "Looking to God." And, I don't know about you but the lessons from week two bless me every time. God takes the initiative. God takes the initiative. Listen, God takes the initiative. "He waits until we respond to Him by adjusting ourselves to Him and making ourselves available to Him." Then of course the whole idea of God developing our character to match the assignment is something so important for us to always keep in mind.
Moving forward, our theme for this week is God Pursues a Love Relationship. And, here are the lesson titles for this week:

Unit 3
Day 1: Created for a Love Relationship
Day 2: A Love Relationship with God
Day 3: Walking with God
Day 4: God Pursues a Love Relationship
Day 5: A Real, Personal, Practical Relationship

The first statement that you will read in the top corner of Day 1 is "A love relationship with God is more important than any other single factor in your life." Let that sink in for a few moments and then respond to that. And, if that isn't enough here's more food for thought, "Everything in your Christian life, everything about knowing Him and experiencing Him, everything about knowing His will depends on the quality of your love relationship with God." So here's the question that the author poses "Can you describe your relationship with God sincerely saying, "I love You with all my heart?" Personally, I don't know of anyone who would answer this question with "no." So for me the question is: How do you express Luke 10:27?  or What does loving God with all your heart, mind, body, strength and soul look like? How differently does someone's life, behaviors and attitudes who DOES love God with all of their heart look like from those who DON'T love God with all of their heart? That's something to think about. Does that make sense? In other words, what's the difference?

One of the songs mentioned in the reading was I'd Rather Have Jesus-by Rhea Miller and then there is a short exercise after the printed lyrics where the author ask readers to check one or the other in the pairs provided. One of the choices are: I would rather have- Jesus ___  or Men's applause and worldwide fame ___. That seems like an easy choice right? Well, maybe not for some people. Meanwhile, the song that came to my mind that I wanted to dedicate to those who are engaged in this week's study is This Love by Mary Mary. Have you heard this song before?

Being the Servant Leader for Eternal Joshua Ministries may be the reason I could appreciate the part in Day 2 that talks about being created for eternity. Listen to this, "God did not create you for time; He created you for eternity. Time-your lifetime on earth-provides the opportunity for you to become acquainted with Him. It provides occasions for Him to develop your character into His likeness. Then eternity will hold its fullest dimensions for you. We say it like this, "There is today, there is tomorrow, there is eternity." How do you prepare for eternity?

Heads Up!!! Prepare yourself to take a walk because that's what Day 3 is about "Walking with God" and the assignment is to actually take a walk. The rest of the assignment is to write about your feelings while taking the walk. For example, during your walk, "What happened that was especially meaningful or joyful?" Once you get to Day 4 you should give yourself some extra time to complete the assignments. There are some Scriptures that you'll be asked to read and give response. One of the summary statements for Day for is: I cannot know God's activity unless He takes the initiative to reveal it to me. Here's another one: I do not choose Him. He chooses me, loves me, and reveals His eternal purposes for my life. Then Day 5 starts off with a short assignment but once completed- the rest of the reading is enjoyable and life changing. Listen to this, "God's constant presence is the most practical part of your life and ministry. Unfortunately, we often assign God a limited role in our lives. Then we call on Him whenever we need help." Wow, respond to that statement!

In closing, a relationship with God is EVERYTHING! And don't forget the word "initiate." On next week our Unit Title will be "Love and God's Invitation." So it looks like for the next 2 weeks LOVE is in our forecast. Enjoy!  Oh yeah-And, please share your feedback either on this blog or on FB.


Rev Tajuan Kyles

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