Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Experiencing God: Unit 2 Week 2

Hello eLearners and Virtual Disciples!

It's Wednesday! And, believe it or not we are already going into Week 2 or Unit 2. Last week's unit title was "God's Will and Your Life." Our new title for this week is, Looking to God.  And, I would like to dedicate this song Look Up by Tye Tribbett to all of you who have committed to the Experiencing God study and are continuing in your study.

Also, if you haven't already, you're encouraged to join our Facebook Experiencing God Study Group for more highlights. We also offer a 15 minute Power Chat on Wednesdays at Noon. If you missed it today you can access the recording using this link Power Chat Week 2 And, lastly we encourage you to attend classes on-site. One place in particular is at the Steele Creek AME Zion Church 1500 Shopton Rd in Charlotte, NC. where Dr. J Elvin Sadler serves as pastor. And, I serve as Minister of Young Adults.

Now, this week Lesson Titles are:
Unit Two: Looking to God
Day 1: God-Centered Living
Day 2: God's Plans Versus Our Plans
Day 3: God Takes the Initiative
Day 4: God Speaks to His People
Day 5: God Speaks With a Purpose

One of the very first statements you will read on the top left hand corner of Day 1 is that " To know and do God's will, you must deny self and return to a God-centered life." Then the author breaks it down in a chart and shows the differences between a Self-Centered Life vs a God-Centered Life. One of the things listed under a God Centered life includes seeking God's perspective in every circumstance. Is this something that you do? What about the other things listed? What about the summary statements? There were five of them and the one that caught my attention was "I will watch to see what God is doing around me and join Him." This requires paying attention wouldn't you say? And, it is definitely something that I have been more intentional about doing.

Maybe like me you will read Day 2 very carefully. What did you think about this: We implement the plan and accomplish only what we can do. We ask God to bless our plans, and then we promise to give Him the glory when He does. Yet God is not glorified by making our plans succeed. He receives glory when His will is done in His way. Wow!! You should prepare to spend a little more time to engage with Day 3 and keep in mind one of the summary statements that says, "God's revelation of His activity is an invitation for you to join Him." Day 4 seems to send this message loud and clear: GOD HAS NOT CHANGED. HE STILL SPEAKS TO HIS PEOPLE. And, if you're like me this is very reassuring because I'm always looking for a Word from the Lord.

On the last day of Unit 2 the lesson title is "God Speaks With a Purpose" but it mainly talks about character. For me, this lesson drilled deep. Listen to this: God Develops Character to match the assignment. Beloved, you would want to read this lesson and then read it again. Especially one of the other summary statements that says, God has the right to interrupt my life. He is Lord. When I accepted Him as Lord, I gave Him the right to help Himself to my life anytime He wants. Do you agree? Let's talk about it and any of the other highlights from this unit that stood out with you.

Overall, I really enjoyed all of these lessons. Let's prepare to engage all this week. And, then on next week we'll start Unit 3: God Pursues a Love Relationship.

Experiencing God,

Pastor TaJuan Kyles
Eternal Joshua Ministries

Virtual Discipleship Minister//
Steele Creek AME Zion Church

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