Sunday, September 20, 2015

Experiencing God Unit 4: Week 4

Hello eLearners and Virtual Disciples,

It's Wednesday! Day 1 of Week 4 of the Experiencing God Study. And, by now you should have gained a new perspective--a mind shift-- regarding how God works and the need for you to align and adjust yourself to His ways. Hopefully, you are familiar with the 7 realities and there is at least one summary statement that jumps off the page at you and/or has stuck in your mind and memory.

Once again, you are encouraged to join our Power Chat each Wednesday at Noon EST and for those of you who were unable to make the call here is the audio link: Pre-Recorded Power Chat. There will be a live recording on Wednesday--9/23/15 @ 12 Noon EST.

On last week we our Unit Topic was God Pursues a Love Relationship. And, one of the summary statements was: "A love relationship with God is more important than any other single factor in your life." This week our Unit Title is Love and God's Invitation. The lesson topics for Unit 4 are as following:

Day 1: Know God
Day 2: Worship God
Day 3: Love God
Day 4: God Invites You to Join Him
Day 5: Knowing Where God is at Work

Personally, some of the lessons from Unit 4 are my favorites or should I say the ones that stuck with me the most and longest. And, even though Juanita Bynum isn't one of my favorite singers this song she sings here Be Still And Know That I am God really blessed me as I studied Day 1 of Unit 4: Know God. It's a difference between knowing that I have a father and knowing who my father is. Yes, you need to know that there is a God--but even deeper than that, know that the God you serve is more than just a god-He is Almighty God. Can I go deeper? And, He is the God who can be what you need Him to be at the time you need Him to be that. (don't miss your shout). And, Day 1 gives a list of the names, titles, and descriptions of God and ask you to select or describe God in ways that you have personally experienced Him.  For example: Advocate, Savior, Counselor, Teacher, Redeemer--how have you experienced God? For me, I just call him FAITHFUL--because that's what He has been to me. I know too much about Him to doubt Him. He has been my keeper and that's why I totally love Tye Tribbett's song Keep Me.  One of the summary statements are "Knowing God comes only through experience as He reveals Himself to me."

Day 2 goes into a discussion about Worship. The summary statement is "To worship is to reverence and honor God, to acknowledge Him as worthy of your praise." And, this lesson lists ways to worship God such as: Bless His name, Glory in His name, Rejoice in His name, Trust in His name....and so on. Its not a long lesson but after this lesson your worship should be long! Then there's-- Love God which goes right into what I've said and asked before, "How can you demonstrate your love for God?" And so Day 3 talks about obedience as one of those ways. Here's the summary statement, "If you have an obedience problem, you have a love problem." Wow!! Let that sink in. Here's more, "Obedience is the outward expression of my love for God." And then there's day 4.

Day 4 proves to offer a different way of looking and thinking. Listen to this summary statement, "When you see the Father at work around you, that is your invitation to adjust your life to Him and join Him in that work." What?! In other words, God's revelation is your invitation. Huh?! That is definitely not the way I had looked at this. In other words, after reading the entire lesson I believe that the author is saying that 1st  you have to be in a love relationship with God. Then when God opens your spiritual eyes you will begin to see His activity--because He will reveal it to you. And, once you discern and see God's activity that becomes an invitation for you to join Him. How does that sound to you? What are your thoughts on that? Have you been able to recognize God's activity around you?

On the last day of week 4--which is Day 5 you really need to take some time out to get into this lesson. This lesson right here....this lesson is one you need to really hold on to--tightly! I have got to post the audio reading of the introduction. Meanwhile, here's a clip: "By the time we pray, the opportunity to join God is gone." I'm going to let you think about that for a minute with hopes that you will run and go get your book and turn to that lesson just so you can read it for yourself. Here's the thing, "A tender, sensitive heart will be ready to respond to God at the slightest prompting." Would you agree? Maybe or maybe not? In other words, people often respond with "Let me pray about it." Wait! But haven't you been praying already? Did you tell God that you love Him? Did you ask Him to use you? So, now that you're being called upon you need to pray about it? I wish I could go more into this lesson but my recommendation is that you TAKE YOUR TIME AND READ THIS LESSON CAREFULLY. Beloved, it will bless you!

In closing, I want to express my thanks to all of you who read these blogs. I'm thankful for so many of you who have committed to the Experiencing God Study along with me--I get blessed each time we do it. I encourage you to keep up with your reading, to remain committed to the study, and to take advantage of the on-line support. You can also attend classes at your local church and if you are in the Charlotte area it's offered at the Steele Creek AME Zion Church 1500 Shopton Rd @ 7p. Hope to meet you on the call.

Increase and Blessings,

Rev Kyles