Friday, August 14, 2015

9 Critical Traits to Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ

A while back, I was introduced to this book entitled, Disciple Making Teachers authored by Josh Hunt and Larry Mays. By the way, Josh Hunt has been noted as writing the most Bible Study lessons of anyone else dead or alive. Although, I didn't use the book a lot I would often go back to it and refer to the 9 Critical Traits to Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ. (Please read them) The authors use the letters in the word D-I-S-C-I-P-L-E to describe 9 critical traits and every time I revisit these traits I always get stuck on the first one. And, I still do.

When I first became familiar with these traits I started to pay more attention to them and be more intentional about them. The one that first caught my attention was based on the letter "P." A disciple feels true and compelling passion for God; put a check there, I had that. The letter "S" often ministered to me because there were times when God was calling me to give, sacrificially, and although I struggled- at first, I knew that sacrificial giving was critical to my faith. The other ones were pretty comfortable although I have to admit that the 1st "S" which speaks to the issue of self esteem reflecting God's view of yourself is a reoccurring struggle that not only I have to address within myself but others whose self esteem rates below zero.

But it was that 1st one, the "D" that throws me into a spin. Discipline. When I hear the word "discipline" the first thing that comes to my mind is "punishment." I envision myself being scolded or yelled at. I imagine being spanked or whooped. I see an angry, disapproving face that is upset or unhappy with my behavior- although I'm very clear that this is NOT the sum total of the meaning or intent of that word.  Actually, more emphasis should be placed on the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior.....which involves punishment to correct disobedience. Words like train and correct should stand out the most. Which leads to the synonyms of discipline which are: training, teaching, regulation, direction, order, authority, drill, coach, regiment and the list goes on.

As parents and leaders, we often struggle with being disciplined and disciplining others. Or we find it easier to discipline others but harder to be disciplined ourselves. In a real sense, discipline has to do with a specific character or pattern of behavior. I'd like to offer the word consistent or even self control. When we are disciplined it can translate into behaviors such as eating healthy or praying daily. When we discipline our children the outcomes can result in good behavior and great report cards. When we offer training in the workplace or ministry it often results in smoother operations and increased productivity and growth.

Personally, my struggle is the will power to be consistent in terms of the times when I just don't feel like it. The ability to do what I need to do when I need to do it, every time it needs to be done. I mean, I will do it and it will get done eventually but if I were more regimented and had more discipline it could translate into better eating habits, increased savings, productivity, accelerated spiritual growth and a host of other things. Maybe like me you are great with some of these traits, pretty comfortable with others with room for improvement on at least one. Then, there is that "D" which after reading this list should now stand for "determination." Today, I'm determined to demonstrate more discipline.

Please feel free to share your thoughts.


Rev. Kyles